πŸ“œ Elm Lore

Seedling 🌱
Planted Sep 28, 2023 - Last tended Oct 5, 2023
Contributor picture
Author: @supermario
Β Β  /lɔː/
a body of traditions and knowledge on a subject or held by a particular group, typically passed from person to person by word of mouth.
These pages contain history and cultural knowledge in the Elm community written down to make it more accessible to everyone.

The writing of a thing changes it

A downside of documenting Lore is that you alter its nature somewhat. You calcify a little its flexibility to keep changing, and you influence future readers.
Like a photograph of a moment in time, the photographer adds composition, perspective and framing (selection and exclusion).
Inevitably there is no objective Lore. Authors leave their fingerprint on what they write.
So the pages under Lore are framed in the following ways to try mitigate some of the downsides:
The future isn't fixed by the past, things can and will change
Don’t assume, and if you must, assume people aren’t malicious
Focus on solutions and personal action
Promote the future of Elm
All Elmcraft Lore articles clearly mark their authors and editors.

Elm community lore